Ride along with our Patrol Division
Whether you're interested in employment or just curious what we do, a ride along is great way to meet the officers in our city and get a glimpse of what a shift under the lights is like.
Be over the age of 15
*Those under 18 must have a parental waiver completed. -
Ride-alongs are limited to one per person every 6 months
​Other factors that be grounds for disqualification include:​
Prior criminal history​
Pending criminal action
Pending lawsuit against this Department or City
Ride-alongs are available throughout the week in 4 hour time slots
11am - 3pm​
5pm - 9pm
9pm - 1am
An effort will be made to ensure that no more than one member of the public​ will be participating at a time.
Normally, no more than one participant per department vehicle at a given time.
How to Ride-along
The first step is to complete the form on this page
An officer from the Professional Standards Division will review your submission for eligibility.
If approved, you will receive a phone call and email confirmation with an available time slot.